As a sidebar, I must confess that I did tell Erin about my weight loss and the fact that I still had a considerable amount of excess skin around my tummy. I'm not exactly sure why I had to tell her that, but I think it was because I was uncomfortable undressing in front of her without some type of justification as to my shape (which I would liken to a wobbly pear). As much as I hate to admit it, all the extra (unsightly) skin on my body is bothering me and playing havoc with my self-esteem.
I was measured and my first bra was brought to me. It fit! Not beautifully, but it fit. And after trying on several bras we concluded that I am a 38D or a 40C, depending on the bra. (By the way, I have to tell you that the service was amazing. If you have to buy a new bra, I highly recommend having a fitting done at Secrets from Your Sister.) Truly, I had a great time. The first two that I chose were a no nonsense bra called Fit Fully Yours. I needed something super comfortable, easy to wear and care for due to my work with young children. I picked the bra up in black and beige. The next bra was a cute hounds-tooth number that fit so comfortably that I just had to have it. It was a model that they no longer carry so
Ta Da!

So now I have a fabulous collection of bras that feel and look great and the most wonderful part about the whole thing was the price. I paid so little for the bras. You have to understand that I am use to buy bras that are $160 a pop. There purchases came to $140! This has been the least painful experience so far!