October 11, 2007
Total weight loss so far is 86lbs. And yes, I can finally see that I am loosing weight!
Unfortunately, the throwing up has not stopped and, in fact, has become worse. During the past week, I spent 5 days in a row throwing up. I was not even able to keep water down, let alone food.
I am scheduled for a gastroscopy procedure on Wednesday, October 24. Dr. Hagen will put a scope down my throat and take a look inside the pouch and just below it. He will be looking for any strictures or ulcers. If he finds a stricture he will attempt to widen it so that food will pass more easily from the pouch to the small intestine. There is a risk of perforation, but I really don't have a choice.
Wish me luck!
By the way, the pants that I am wearing in the most recent picture are a pair of jeans that have been sitting in my closet for the last ten years. I know that I promised that I would not buy any clothes until I finished losing weight, but these pants were the last pair of "too tight" clothes that I had put aside years ago. Chris has finally convinced me to drop into our local Value Village and Good Will to pick up some cheap clothes to tide me over until I decide to splurge on a new wardrobe. You should see what I look like in my winter coats!! I swim in them! Happy Days!